Category: Nuts |Brand: Individual Collection
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The almonds you can buy in stores usually have the shell removed, revealing the edible nut inside. They are sold either raw or roasted. They are also used to produce almond milk, oil, butter, flour, or paste also known as marzipan. Almonds boast an impressive nutrient profile. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of almonds contains. Almonds Are Loaded With Antioxidants Almonds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients Almonds Are High in Vitamin E Almonds Can Assist With Blood Sugar Control Magnesium Also Benefits Blood Pressure Levels Almonds Can Lower Cholesterol Levels Almonds Prevent Harmful Oxidation of LDL Cholesterol Eating Almonds Reduces Hunger, Lowering Your Overall Calorie Intake Almonds May Be Effective For Weight Loss